Vol. 1 No. 2 (2001): Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences

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Since Allah honored this noble nation with the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (PBUH) and his family, it has been striving diligently and persistently to be - as Allah wanted it to be - the best nation brought forth for mankind. And on the day our ancestors drew the sword of jihad to liberate mankind from slavery to anyone other than Allah - the Almighty - they carried the lamps of knowledge and learning to dispel the darkness of ignorance and illiteracy, as the Noble Prophet (PBUH) made seeking knowledge an obligation upon every Muslim man and woman. Today, the nation is regaining its glory, former pride and leadership. The Deanship of the College of Administration and Economics, and in particular the Department of Business Administration, researchers and evaluators have made distinguished efforts in order to produce this issue. May Allah bless the efforts of everyone in order to serve Iraq and the nation.

Published: 2001-12-30