The effect of internal marketing practices in enhancing customer loyalty - an applied study in a sample of private banks in Baghdad Governorate


  • Faeq Jawad Brahimi


customer loyalty, Internal marketing


-Purpose :To determine the effect of internal marketing practice son customer loyalty.
- Input /methodology: It was selection of a double sample of directors
of banks and their customers, and using a question Nair designed in the light
of previous studies, the formulation of scale and tested in
the light of a set of statistical methods.
- Results: The presence of a significant effect of
internal marketing and customer loyalty.
- Originality /value: The value of current research in theoretical frameworks of the
concept of internal marketing, and
then clarify the cognitive foundations of customer loyalty
- Keyword: internal marketing practices, and customer loyalty


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How to Cite

فائق جواد الإبراهيمي. (2025). The effect of internal marketing practices in enhancing customer loyalty - an applied study in a sample of private banks in Baghdad Governorate. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 9(36), 324–335. Retrieved from