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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The application file is in one of the following formats: 2019 Microsoft Word
  • The journal follows the APA system, 7th edition, in indexing research and must be adhered to. Sources are placed together and books are not separated from theses and articles. It is not preferable to rely heavily on sources from websites because they are subject to change and deletion. It is preferable not to rely on research that belongs to predatory journals or predatory publishing houses. The link to each cited source must be placed according to the hyperlink method.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The author's text is constrained by the stylistic and stylistic requirements contained in
    author's guide< / a>
    , Which is located in the introductory text of the journal within this website.
  • Consideration
  • Publication procedure
  • Paper Template
  • 0
  • Template

Author Guidelines

Author's Guide for the Iraqi Journal of Administrative Sciences
Publishing Instructions
First: Submitting the Research
1. The research paper and its attachments are sent to the journal via the journal's official email (
2. The author is notified of receipt of the research paper.
Second: Review and Initial Examination Stage:
1. The editorial board takes the initial examination step to review the research paper, with the aim of verifying whether it conforms to the publication rules in terms of form, and is eligible to undergo the arbitration process. This step is not completed until the publication fees are paid to the Accounting Department at the college. Note that the publication fees are not refunded if the research paper is rejected, and the following table shows the publication costs.


100,000 dinars

Assistant Professor

75,000 dinars

Lecturer, Assistant Lecturer

50,000 dinars

From outside Iraq

100 dollars

2. During the initial examination, precise and specific scientific criteria are adopted, such as: the extent to which the paper's topic is appropriate to the scope of the journal, and that the scope of the journal is limited to research related to all specializations in management, accounting, economics, financial and banking sciences, and statistics, and its type, whether research or non-research, and the correctness of the use of language, and the accuracy of documentation and citation of scientific sources from books, magazines, conferences, letters, and scientific dissertations according to the style adopted in the journal, and its compliance with the ethics of scientific publishing. 3. A report must be attached on the percentage of electronic plagiarism from the College of Management and Economics or the College of Science at the University of Karbala exclusively. The plagiarism rate should not exceed 20% according to the letter of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No.: B T 5/5868 dated 7/27/2015 to the researcher, or excluding research extracted from theses and dissertations submitted for publication for postgraduate students when conducting the plagiarism examination process according to the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No.: B T 5/1645 dated 2/28/2023, in addition to not relying heavily on websites as sources for citation because they are subject to change or closure. Except in cases of necessity.
4. The plagiarism rate should not exceed 5% for a single source, and the percentage of artificial intelligence should not exceed 20%, and any type of flags (Hidden Flag or Replace Flags) should not be allowed.
5. Research is published in Arabic and English, and the font type used is (Times New Romans) with a font size of 12 and the distance between lines is 1 cm. The font size in tables is 10 and the same font type used in the research paper. Leave a space of ((3 cm)) on the right side of the page and ((2.5 cm)) on the left side of the page on all sides as stated in the journal’s form. Please work according to the journal’s form. We do not accept research that does not comply with the journal’s terms and conditions and it will be rejected.

The table should look like this:

Times New Roman 10

Times New Roman 10

Times New Roman 10

Times New Roman 10

Times New Roman 10

Times New Roman 10

Times New Roman 10

Times New Roman 10

Times New Roman 10

6. Tables and figures are displayed in the research paper within the conditions contained in the journal's form. Tables must be in black and white only, without multiple colors. Figures must also be in black and white only. Except in necessary cases and after the approval of the editor-in-chief with an explanation of the reasons.
7. The submitted research paper must not exceed 25 pages. And it must adhere to the form provided by the journal. If the number exceeds, 2000 Iraqi dinars will be paid for each additional page.
8. An amount of 5 thousand Iraqi dinars will be collected from the researcher for each sealed paper copy taken from the published volumes required for the purposes of scientific promotions or other.
9. The names of the researchers must be mentioned in the research paper in Arabic and English, with the place of work, the name of the country, and the official email or regular email if it is not available to researchers who are not affiliated with higher education. It must be determined who is the responding researcher who will undertake the correspondence process with the journal and make the amendments. Each researcher must also have his own (ID) from the site (ORICD) and the process of extracting this number is easy and free.
10. The research paper must contain a title in Arabic and English and it must not be long or unclear. Only the title is mentioned at the beginning of the paper without mentioning the name of the sample or the type of study.
11. The research paper must contain an abstract in Arabic and English and not exceed 150 words for each abstract.
12. The research paper must contain keywords and not exceed five words.
13. The introduction must include a background on the study variables and a summary of previous studies and how his study differs from other studies. A number of sources must be cited.
14. The methodology of the research paper should include (the study problem, the study objectives, the importance of the study, the study hypotheses. It is preferable to build the hypotheses by strengthening each hypothesis with a brief and accurate explanation that supports it and citing sources that are close to each hypothesis, the study community and sample, and stating the reasons that prompted the researcher to choose the sample over others, while pointing out the gaps in previous studies that did not cover the study sample, if they exist). Statistical research is excluded from writing research hypotheses because they are originally part of the research study.

15. The theoretical aspect should be in the form of a discussion of each study cited, and there should be no repetition, prolongation, or mention of concepts that are not related to the research paper. There should be equality in terms of the number of words when presenting the theoretical aspect between the variables of the research paper, for example, if 2000 words are written about the independent variable, there should be a convergence in the number of words with the mediating and dependent variable.
16. Some research may include a practical aspect and a statistical aspect, especially in financial management research, and this is considered one of the things that enhance the quality of the research paper.
17. There should be a discussion of the statistical results after the statistical analysis if there is a statistical analysis. For example, the reasons that led to the weakness or increase in the relationships of influence and correlation between the study variables are discussed, or the reason for rejecting some hypotheses or the reason for the strength of the influence of a number of variables and the reasons that led to that.
18. The conclusion should include the most important conclusions and recommendations reached through the research paper.
19. The journal is provided with data if requested for review purposes.
20. The research must not have been published or submitted to any other party inside or outside the country and the researcher must provide a pledge to that effect.
21. Reference to the source in the text is as follows (Muhammad, 1995: 24) and if the source is in English (Weston, 1996: 78) and the footnotes at the end of the research paper must be in alphabetical order. If the research paper is in Arabic, the Arabic sources are indexed separately and according to the (APA) system, and then the foreign sources are also indexed according to the (APA) system. It is preferable for those who have experience using the Mendeley program to index sources to save effort and time in indexing sources.
22. Do not use the same source more than three times in the research paper.
23. The researcher or researchers participating in the research paper have the right to cite previous studies that concern them and that are within the field of their current research and do not exceed 10% of the total number of sources.
24. The researcher must adhere to objectivity and the scientific approach in research, analysis and attribution.
25. Research and studies express the opinions of their authors and do not express the point of view of the editorial board.
26. The journal accepts the presentation of modern administrative literature, taking into account the above rules.
27. The responding researcher will be notified of receiving the research paper and the results of the initial examination. In the event that the paper has great potential but needs modifications before it is sent to the evaluation stage, it will be returned to the researcher for the purpose of completing the requirements and modifications to the research paper. This does not constitute acceptance of the research because it will go through a series of evaluation and scientific review processes later.
28. No scientific paper will be sent to scientific review if it does not adhere to the model followed by the journal and the points above.
29. Research is published according to the priority of its receipt by the editorial secretariat.

Third: Scientific Review
1. Each research paper is subject to a blind and confidential scientific review. It is sent to specialized experts with a prestigious scientific standing who are characterized by experience and impartiality. Each research paper is sent to scientific reviewers and the evaluation is conducted within a maximum period of 10 days. If one of them apologizes or rejects, it is sent to a third scientific reviewer.
2. The scientific reviewers send the comments to the researcher and inform the researcher of the acceptance or rejection of the research paper or acceptance with modifications within a maximum period of 5 days.
3. If the researcher does not commit to making the modifications by the reviewers or does not provide a scientific response to the modifications sent to him in the event that none of the modifications are changed, the research paper will be rejected and will not be published and the publishing fees will not be returned.
4. Researchers have the right to submit appeals for rejection stating the logical reasons supported by scientific evidence, and signed by them or by the responding researcher who will undertake the correspondence process with the journal.
5. After making the final amendments and adhering to the template provided by the journal and the points included in the initial review and examination, a publication acceptance paper will be given to the researcher. The researcher must adhere to the journal’s template, and if he does not adhere to it, the research will not be published.


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