Using the quality diffusion function (QFD) in service establishments


  • Ghassan Qasim Al-Lami Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Mahmoud Fahd Abdel Ali Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


quality diffusion


Facing organizations in the light of the evolution of communications and technology several challenges imposed itself as key to the success and survival of these organizations in the competitive business environment Examples include Alaasaúah Customization and production graceful Lean Production and Total Quality Management TQM, and started these organizations are looking for tools and mechanisms to enable them to meet and achieve the wishes and requirements of the customers,so this research came to the use of one of the most important tools of TQM and the most prevalent quality function deployment (QFD) through this function we can translate the voice and needs of the beneficiary to the visual language and easy to learn its requirements in order to respond to and build a lasting relationship with him.
The study was based on a set of concepts and ideas and propositions theory contemporary in order to develop a scientific approach enables organizations to adopt a function deployment quality (QFD), and finally study found a set of conclusions which have been built upon to provide a set of recommendations are consistent with these findings.



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How to Cite

غسان قاسم اللامي, & محمود فهد عبد علي. (2025). Using the quality diffusion function (QFD) in service establishments. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 9(35), 1–18. Retrieved from