The impact of improving product quality on building descriptive marketing
an analytical study in Al-Waha Soft Drinks and Mineral Water Company
Product quality, promotional marketingAbstract
This study aims to address the role of improving product quality in building marketing customization In order to achieve this the researcher adopted the dimensions of improving product quality (performance, appearance, reliability, matching, perceived quality,) was expressed customization marketing (product, production design, delivery ,, evaluation of the product, the product) For the purpose of achieving the marketing objectives of the study were developed scheme supposedly determines the nature of the relationship between two variables, in order to detect the nature of the relationship was drafted following main assumptions:
1-No correlation statistically significant between improving product quality and marketing customization?
2-no impact significance is to improve product quality in marketingcustomization?
Has emerged from these assumptions are several hypotheses sub-study was conducted in the industrial sector were obtained the information needed for field side through form questionnaire prepared for this purpose and distributed in Oasis and in a language of the sample (70) and Stkhaddmt means statistically simple test KalaratbatTonhaddar simple and reached a total of Conclusions and connections .
اولا : العربية
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