Investor trends in the Palestine Stock Exchange - a field study


  • Muhammad Majeed Salim Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Tawfiq Abu Sharba Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Palestine Stock Exchange, Investors


The Palestine Financial Market is a new market, and although it has more than 10 years of experience, still consider less than what was expected on it establishments, the study will focus on the Palastinian investors, and their reaction to the market and the financial information produced by the companies,
240 questionnaire was distributed to investors and deals, 211 received back, 37 of them was eliminated, and the most imported findings were as follow:
more than 50% of the investors are investing in one or two companies, with amounts not exceeding 100,000 JD,
which seems to indicate that most investors are small investors, and there is little interest in building a portfolio to diversify the risk of investment.
67% of investors looking for the increase in the shares prices rather than the annual return from the shares.
Investors shows little interest in financial analysis.
The main recommendations for the study could be summarized as follow:
A new business and companies law should be issued to increase the confidence of the investors, and International Financial Standards should be implemented fully, with transparences results, and financial analysis should be promoted by the Market so the investors will be more aware of its benefits for investing decisions


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عدد الشركات المستثمر فيها من قبل أفراد العينة



How to Cite

محمد مجيد سليم, & توفيق ابو شربة. (2025). Investor trends in the Palestine Stock Exchange - a field study. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 9(35), 144–154. Retrieved from