Analysis of the importance of organizational creativity factors for managers of administrative units at the University of Babylon


  • Essam Mohamed Reda


Organizational creativity of managers and administrative units


Organizations are in dire need to cope with the environment and what happens to them of the changes and come up with innovative ideas and new leaders and managers to work hard and to look and analyze the factors of creativity and innovation of new methods had not been addressed by the Organization for the Advancement of better and in the search is the current factor analysis of organizational innovation managers of administrative units in the organization examined, of b (a culture of innovation, leadership style, educational attainment, and organizational support for creativity) and use these dimensions in their daily work. And lead research found that managers of administrative units in the organization examined, ((University of Babylon)) are paying attention to these very factors.


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How to Cite

عصام محمد رضا. (2025). Analysis of the importance of organizational creativity factors for managers of administrative units at the University of Babylon. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 9(37), 409–422. Retrieved from