The role of smart leadership in promoting proactive behavior: an applied study on a sample of employees working in the Anbar Health Department
Smart leadership, proactive behavior, Anbar Health DepartmentAbstract
The current research aims to demonstrate the role of smart leadership in proactive behavior and then determine the relationship of correlation and influence between them and the purpose of determining the research objective. A questionnaire form consisting of 27 paragraphs was designed and distributed to a random sample of employees working in the Anbar Health Department with 59 respondents. The data was analyzed using the SPSS program and many statistical tools were used, including the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and regression coefficient. The most prominent results were the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the two variables and there is a strong effect of smart leadership on proactive behavior. The researcher recommended the necessity of spreading awareness and knowledge of the dimensions of smart leadership and teaching methods of developing intelligence and creativity among employees in order to contribute to enhancing proactive behavior and avoiding various crises.
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