The impact of Perceived production complexity on innovation capability (Analytical research at Dar Al-Warith Printing and Publishing - Holy Karbala)



Perceived production complexity, creativity ability, Dar Al-Warith for Printing and Publishing.


The research aims primarily to determine the effect of perceived production complexity with its sub-dimensions on creativity ability at the sample level, and based on a main problem that was diagnosed with several questions that included the extent of awareness of the influential relationships between variables in the field, the research adopted a model (Mattsson et al, 2016: 9) to measure Perceived production complexity and a model (Kafetzopoulos & Psomas, 2015: 129) for measuring creativity ability. The research sample consisted of (110) individuals distributed across the production lines. The data was analyzed using the statistical program (SPSS.V.27), and the research reached a set of conclusions, including (that the internal arrangement dimension had an insignificant effect and was ineffective in bringing about a tangible improvement in creativity ability).


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How to Cite

ذكاء ضياء السلطاني, عادل عباس الجنابي, & محمد تركي عبدالعباس. (2024). The impact of Perceived production complexity on innovation capability (Analytical research at Dar Al-Warith Printing and Publishing - Holy Karbala). Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(81), 1–25. Retrieved from