The Role of Strategic Consciousness in the Strategic Niche of the Organizations Through the Mediator role for Strategic Renewal

Exploratory Analytical Research of the views of a sample of administrative and scientific leaders at the University of Babylon


  • Laila Mohsen Al-Hakim
  • Hussein Ali Abdullah Al-Qarghouli
  • muntader zuhir hassan
  • Ahmed Abdullah Al–Shammari


strategic consciousness, strategic renewal, strategic niche, learning, exploration, exploitation


The objective of the research is to test the Mediator role of the strategic renewal in enhancing the relationship between the strategic consciousness and the strategic niche of the organizations by applying in a sample of the faculties of Babylon University. In order to achieve this, the dimensions of the strategic consciousness (reframing, system thinking, learning orientation, reflecting) were adopted based on (Turkay,2012), and the dimensions of the strategic renewal (exploration strategic renewal and exploitative strategic renewal) were adopted based on (Stienstra,2008), while the dimensions of strategic niche (formation of expectations and visions, Belding of social network, learning processes) were adopted based on (Vanheule et al.,2012;Mourik&Raven,2006).

     The University of Babylon was selected as an applied field for research by distributing a questionnaire of (90) respondents from the administrative and scientific leaders of the faculties of the university. The simple correlation coefficient (Pearson) was used, the Confirmation Factor Analysis. One of the most important conclusions reached is that the adoption of the approach of strategic renewal has an effective effect in enhancing the relationship between the strategic consciousness and the strategic niche of the university in the research sample in light of competition in the Iraqi higher education sector. The study concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the need to employ the strategic role of strategic renewal in enhancing the positive impact relationship between the strategic consciousness in enhancing the strategic niche within the higher education sector and scientific research in line with the provision of new educational services and scientific consultancy that add value to the university and its professors as well as its employees through its various faculties Scientific specialties.


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How to Cite

ليلى محسن الحكيم, حسين علي عبد الله القرغولي, منتظر زهير حسن, & احمد عبد الله امانة الشمري. (2024). The Role of Strategic Consciousness in the Strategic Niche of the Organizations Through the Mediator role for Strategic Renewal: Exploratory Analytical Research of the views of a sample of administrative and scientific leaders at the University of Babylon. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(62), 231–261. Retrieved from