Planning of marketing information systems and its impact on the

An analytical study of the views of a sample of workers in ( Bank of Bagdad ) in the provinces of middle Euphrates


  • Adel Abbas Al-Janabi
  • ahmed abdalkareem hassan


marketing information systems, marketing of e-banking, Bank of Bagdad, middle Euphrates


       The study deals with the planning of marketing information systems and its impact in the marketing of electronic banking: An analytical study of the views of a sample of employees in (Bank of Baghdad) for the governorates of the Middle Euphrates to achieve two types of objectives, the theory that focuses on the planning of marketing information systems and its impact in the success of electronic banking marketing, And the field, which represents an analytical survey of the views of a sample of employees in (Bank of Baghdad) in the provinces of the Middle Euphrates, and the role of planning of marketing information systems in helping decision makers to make appropriate decisions. The study gained its importance as one of the few attempts that dealt with this subject, In the provinces of the Middle Euphrates.

The study was based on three basic assumptions. The first is based on the absence of a significant correlation between the dimensions of information systems planning Marketing and the dimensions of e-banking marketing. The second hypothesis assumes that there is no significant effect of planning of marketing information systems in electronic banking marketing,The third hypothesis assumes that there is no significant effect on the dimensions of the planning of marketing information systems in electronic banking marketing. The descriptive statistics and the analytical statistics were used. Some statistical methods were used, the most important of which were the repetitions, percentages, weighted arithmetic, standard deviations, EAF), the use of the KMO scale, the use of Bartlett's selection, the selection of T, the regression equations, the R values, and the F value were used, the data were collected by the questionnaire and analyzed mathematically using For the scientific census and was carried out using the statistical program (SPSS.V.18) The study has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the environment is considered a major variable in the field of e-banking marketing. The planning of the marketing information systems has become the main link between the bank and the environment. Which will support the work of the bank and seek to implement the activities of electronic marketing, the statistical results showed a correlation relationship and a significant impact between the planning of marketing information systems and electronic banking marketing in general and in detail The researcher recommended the gradual abandonment of the bureaucratic structures and the traditional marketing methods in banks, and the tendency to build flexible and flexible electronic marketing structures and networks to respond to the changes that have been introduced and to enhance the role of the marketing information and information exchange systems. The policy of change and development as a systematic and continuous process in the bank


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How to Cite

عادل عباس عبد حسين الجنابي, & احمد عبد الحكيم حسن علوي الطائي. (2024). Planning of marketing information systems and its impact on the: An analytical study of the views of a sample of workers in ( Bank of Bagdad ) in the provinces of middle Euphrates. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(62), 190–230. Retrieved from