The Effect of Strategic Improvisation on Enhancing Strategic Ambidexterity

An analytical research to Openions a sample of medical and health staff in the Kafeel Specialized Hospital in the holy Karbala


  • Hussein Hurajah Alhasnawi Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Muayad Fadhil neamah Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


strategic improvisation, Strategic Ambidexterity, the Kafeel Specialized Hospital.


This research aims to demonstrate the effect of strategic improvisation on Strategic  Ambidexterity  at the level of the Kafeel Specialist Hospital. In order to achieve this, the strategic improvisation variable was measured in three sub dimensions (Creativity , spontaneity, and intuition), while Strategic Ambidexterity  variable was measured in two dimensions (exploration, and Exploitation ). The study started with a major problem that included several questions revolving around the nature of the relationship between its variables in the field and the most important of them (What is the level of the impact of strategic improvisation in contextual prowess at the level of Al Kafeel Specialized Hospital?). The questionnaire was used as a main tool in collecting study data and information as well as some personal interviews with the sample members who were represented by a group of medical and health cadres in the researched organization, as the sample reached (172) individuals. For the purpose of analyzing data and statistically processing it, the study relied on a set of appropriate statistical methods, and a set of conclusions has been reached, the most important of which is that the concept of strategic improvisation is seen as a new model for rapid learning, adaptation and strategic innovation, and that the building of Strategic Ambidexterity  is done by developing behaviors that are able to explore and Exploite in At one time, add to that a significant effect of strategic improvisation on Strategic Ambidexterity . A set of recommendations was  reached, the most prominent of which is that the Kafeel Specialist Hospital must employ improvisation dimensions (Creativity,  spontaneity, intuition) in all its activities and decisions in order to realize more opportunities and enhance the dimensions of  Strategic Ambidexterity and the need to apply them in hospitals in a manner consistent with their nature and cultures.

Author Biography

Hussein Hurajah Alhasnawi , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

استاذ مساعد دكتور ادارة الاعمال


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How to Cite

حسين حريجة غالي الحسناوي, & مؤيد فاضل نعمة الحفار. (2024). The Effect of Strategic Improvisation on Enhancing Strategic Ambidexterity: An analytical research to Openions a sample of medical and health staff in the Kafeel Specialized Hospital in the holy Karbala. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(68), 178–205. Retrieved from