Organizational improvisation and its impact on crisis management

An analytical exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of security leaders working in the leadership of the police in the holy city of Karbala


  • Saddam Aswad Awad al-Jubouri
  • . Mahmoud Fahd Abd Ali


organizational improvisation, crisis management


     The main goals and objectives sought by this study is to find out the influence of organizational improvisation practiced by the Directorate of Karbala police through its dimensions (intuition, building solution, adapt, learning, innovation, creativity) in crisis management dimensions (discovery of signs of early warning, preparedness and prevention, confrontation and containment Damages, recovery and restoration of activity, evaluation and review) that confront the leadership of the police of Karbala Governorate, and through this it becomes clear the importance of the study.

The main problem of the study was presented by raising a set of questions centered on whether there is a correlation and effect relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Accordingly, a hypothetical model was designed from which the first main study hypothesis and the second main study hypothesis came, when a questionnaire was adopted in order to collect information and the questionnaire was for it Acceptable indications of honesty and consistency. The sample of the study consisted of (220) officers working in the leadership of the police of Karbala governorate who were chosen using a simple random sample method from the Hajmah community (497). The researcher used a set of parameter statistical tools in analyzing and processing data as the researcher tested the hypotheses that emerged from the study using the ready statistical program It is (SPSS V.23) and (AMOS V.23) through which a set of conclusions were reached, including that the dimensions of organizational improvisation affect the efficiency and effectiveness of crisis management, and that organizational improvisation is more closely related to the stages of the crisis that require rapid action and immediate decisions to reduce The study produced a set of recommendations, among which the organization in question should pay attention to the feminist component in assigning leadership positions and interest in providing adequate and ready programs and plans for crisis management to be reviewed and developed continuously.


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How to Cite

صدام اسود عواد ضعن الجبوري, & محمود فهد عبد علي. (2024). Organizational improvisation and its impact on crisis management: An analytical exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of security leaders working in the leadership of the police in the holy city of Karbala. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 16(66), 160–181. Retrieved from