The role of the supply chain performance in enhancing Mass Customization strategy

An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees at the Ready-Made Men's Clothing Factory in Najaf Al-Ashraf


  • Mahmoud Fahd Al-Dulaimi
  • Haneen Ali Al-Ameri


mass customization, Supply Chain


- The study aims to find out the role of the performance of the supply chain represented by its dimensions (cost, quality, time, delivery) as an independent variable in the strategy of the broad recommendation represented by its dimensions (lead marketing, pilot product, and maintenance services) as an approved variable, and to know the extent to which the men's ready-to-wear factory has been adopted in Najaf. The concept of processing chain performance and its employment in support of the wide recommendation strategy and in light of this, data were collected and analyzed based on the use of programs. The most important conclusions are the existence of a correlation between the performance of the supply chain and the wide recommendation and the most important recommendations are the need for the laboratory to pay great attention to the performance of the supply chain.


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How to Cite

محمود فهد الدليمي, & حنين علي العامري. (2024). The role of the supply chain performance in enhancing Mass Customization strategy: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees at the Ready-Made Men’s Clothing Factory in Najaf Al-Ashraf. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(69), 119–142. Retrieved from