The Role Of Competitive Intelligence In Enhancing The Effectiveness Of Strategic Decisions

An exploratory research for the opinions of a sample of the managers of the Asia cell telecom company in Iraq


  • Nagham Dayekh Abd Ali


: Competitive Intelligence, , Effectiveness of Strategic Decisions


 The research addressed the topic of the role of competitive intelligence in enhancing the effectiveness of strategic decisions, and sought to achieve a set of objectives, the most important of which are (knowing the importance of competitive intelligence and the effectiveness of strategic decisions for the company as it is one of the vital and important variables for the life of all contemporary companies, including telecommunications companies for mobile phones, And to diagnose the nature of the correlation and influence relationship between competitive intelligence and the effectiveness of strategic decisions in the researched organization) , And in view of the importance of the telecommunications sector and its role in meeting the necessary requirements of members of society, the research was conducted in the telecommunications company, Asia Cell , It was applied to a sample of (61) individuals of workers in the top management positions of the researched company , In its practical framework, the research relied on a questionnaire to acquire data and information, as well as to process that data and information, The researcher used a set of statistical methods, namely (Cronbacg Alpha test, weighted arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, response intensity, correlation coefficient ,simple linear regression, interpretation coefficient R2, F test, T test). The research concluded a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a correlation and influence relationship between all research variables in its sub-dimensions, The research also reached several recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity to direct the leadership of the researched company towards getting rid of the restrictions and barriers that prevent its ability to compete with other competing companies. And the provision of the necessary requirements for the continuation and development of the success of its competition in terms of human and technology.


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How to Cite

نغم دايخ عبد علي. (2024). The Role Of Competitive Intelligence In Enhancing The Effectiveness Of Strategic Decisions: An exploratory research for the opinions of a sample of the managers of the Asia cell telecom company in Iraq. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 18(71), 145–168. Retrieved from