The effect of creative leadership on reducing organizational aging

دراسة ميدانية لآراء العاملين في فروع مصرف الرشيد في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة


  • Ahmed Allawi Hussein Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Akram Muhsin Alyasiry Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Creative leadership, Organizational aging, Rasheed bank.


This study aims to clarify the impact of creative leadership represented by its dimensions (empathy, clarity, and Creativity) in reducing organizational aging represented by its dimensions (organizational aristocracy, organizational accusations, organizational bureaucracy, and decay). A need for creative leadership that takes important and quick decisions to prevent or reduce the negative impact of accidents and the failure of the organization in question to reach old age, or to save it from old age. The study population included all workers in the three branches of Al-Rasheed Bank in the holy governorate of Karbala, who numbered (152), as the questionnaire was used as a main tool in collecting data and information necessary for the study, and it was relied on a set of statistical methods available in( SPSS V.24 programs; Amos V.23; Microsoft Excel 2010) to analyze data and treat it statistically. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which is the existence of an inverse, statistically significant relationship between creative leadership and organizational aging.

Author Biographies

Ahmed Allawi Hussein , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


التخصص العام / ادارة اعمال

Akram Muhsin Alyasiry , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

استاذ دكتور 

التخصص العام / ادارة اعمال


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How to Cite

احمد علاوي حسين, & أكرم محسن مهدي الياسري. (2024). The effect of creative leadership on reducing organizational aging: دراسة ميدانية لآراء العاملين في فروع مصرف الرشيد في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة . Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(75), 1–24. Retrieved from