The role of empowering human resources in enhancing the loyalty of working individuals

A case study in the All Iraq Civil Foundation


  • Hassan aliwi sahib
  • Meethaq hatef Al.fatlawy


human resource empowerment, organizational loyalty


     The current research seeks to explain the nature and determine the level of the relationship between human resource empowerment and organizational loyalty for individuals working in the All Iraq Civil Foundation, and this comes as an attempt to develop and develop the knowledge framework for the research variables. As well as trying to lay the right and appropriate foundations for the industry of human resources capable and able to keep pace with global developments by relying on talents emanating from the Iraqi society, it is possible to invest in order to be the most important capital for its profit-oriented or service organizations. In order to achieve this, the researcher distributed (75) questionnaires to a number of employees in the All of Iraq Civil Foundation, and the number of the retrieved questionnaires was 59), while the number of valid questionnaires for statistical analysis was 58) with a rate of (96%) of the retrieved questionnaires. The theoretical results showed the existence of a knowledge gap to explain the nature of the relationship between human resource empowerment and organizational loyalty in organizations in general and in the organization under study in particular. As well as the existence of a moral and positive impact of human resource empowerment and organizational loyalty.

Author Biography

Meethaq hatef Al.fatlawy

استاذ دكتور 

قسم ادارة الاعمال


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How to Cite

حسن عليوي صاحب, & Al.fatlawy م. ه. (2024). The role of empowering human resources in enhancing the loyalty of working individuals : A case study in the All Iraq Civil Foundation. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(77), 79–98. Retrieved from