The role of job embeddedness in reducing organizational cynicism behavior of workers in health organizations


  • Mithaaq Hatif Abdul Sada Fatlawi


Job embeddedness, Organizational cynicism


Testing this research the role for Job Embeddedness represented dimensions three (links, and sacrifice, and Fitting) in the level of organizational cynicism dimensions (belief, emotion, and behavior) in the Department of Health Karbala, data was collected using the tool-resolution sample of staff in the department numbered (106) individual . For the purpose of testing hypotheses and achieve the goals of the research used a set of statistical tools such as coefficient Cronbach alpha and reliability coefficient compound and simple correlation
coefficient and multiple regression analysis stepwise, The results showed a
correlation negative effect between Job Embeddedness and the level of cynicism
organizational, and in the light of these results formulated a set of conclusions
and recommendations aimed at was the most important to reduce organizational
behavior cynicism by strengthening Job Embeddedness.
Keywords: Job Embeddedness, community Embeddedness, organizational
Embeddedness, organizational cynicism


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How to Cite

ميثاق هاتف الفتلاوي. (2025). The role of job embeddedness in reducing organizational cynicism behavior of workers in health organizations. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 10(39), 127–146. Retrieved from