دور الثقة التنظيمية في تعزيز الانغماس الوظيفي - دراسة تحليلية لاراء العاملين في مديرية توزيع كهرباء كربلاء
The current study aims to identify the relationship between the organizational trust and employ engagement in (Electricity distribution Directorate. /Karbalaa) By addressing the problem of research that: The deterioration and lack of organizational trust of employees in the researched organization and which in turn will be reflected on the employ engagement will make them without value and prefer their own personal interests on the interest of the organization and then their loyalty and obligation will decrease to it , and that in turn led to fail the organization in achieving its goals . Due to the limited studies that have looked at the relationship between two variables, especially in the environment of Iraq, the current study sought to address the two variables in order to study and determine the nature of their relationship. As well as the surround of each theory, As well as theoretical surroundingof each variable, and to achieve the goal of the study was tested two main hypotheses, Included a random sample consisted of (285) individuals from managers and employees in the researched Directorate, and adopted a questionnaire in the collection of data and information through (45) questions, and data were processing statistically based on several statistical methods, such as (Weighted mean, and standard deviation, and coefficient of variation, the intensity of the answer, simple correlation coefficient, simple linear effect, test T, test F, explanation coefficient, Crow Nbach Alpha).The study reached many of conclusions perhaps the most notable are:
1. The existence of a positive significant correlation relationship between organizational trust and employ engagement.
2. The existence of a positive significance effect relationship a positive for organizational trust in the employ engagement.
Finally, the study ended with a set of recommendations including \"the top management in the researched Directorate need to take over to enhance the trust of the workers in order to achieve employ engagement by promoting behavioral and ethical values and promote a culture of organizational trust and employ engagement.
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