The role of high performance work systems in outstanding job performance
outstanding job performance, High performance work systemsAbstract
This research aims to find out the role played by high-performance work systems dimensions practices in functionality featured, for the purpose of achieving the objectives have been building scheme supposedly determines the nature of the relationship between the independent variable of high performance and dimensions of work systems (effective recruitment, comprehensive training, performance appraisal, opportunities career path, bonuses and compensation, participation of workers) and adopted variable career of +outstanding performance and purpose of identifying the nature of the relationship between variables Find adopted a set of hypotheses main and branch emanating from it. For the purpose of hypothesis testing it has been applied to research on a sample of the Iraqi government municipal departments to obtain the necessary information through a questionnaire form prepared for that purpose and distributed to a sample of (5) Municipality
أولاً :المصادر والمراجع العربية
• الكتب
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