الإسهام النسبي لأساليب التهيئة للدرس في انخفاض التجول العقلي والاندماج المعرفي لدى طلبة قسم التاريخ


  • ضحى حسين فليح الخفاجي


اساليب التهيئة للدرس ، التجول العقلي، الاندماج المعرفي


The study aimed to achieve objectives represented by identifying the level of practice of history department Faculty members in the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Kerbala for lesson preparation methods, identifying the level of mental wandering and cognitive integration among students, and identifying the relationship between the practice of history department Faculty members for lesson preparation methods and mental wandering and cognitive integration among their students. The researcher used the descriptive approach to achieve these objectives. The research tools were represented by a questionnaire on lesson preparation methods prepared by the researcher and consisting in its final form of (30) items and the mental wandering and cognitive integration scales. The tools were applied to the basic research sample students from the History Department. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)The results of the research were:

- Faculty members in the Department of History in the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Kerbala practice the methods of preparing for the lesson to a moderate degree from the point of view of their students.



How to Cite

ضحى حسين فليح الخفاجي. (2025). الإسهام النسبي لأساليب التهيئة للدرس في انخفاض التجول العقلي والاندماج المعرفي لدى طلبة قسم التاريخ. Al-Bahith Journal, 44(1), 454–482. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/bjh/article/view/3269