Leading Questions in Courtroom: a forensic Linguistics Study Omayma akram Abdulbaqi


  • Wafaa Mudhaffar Ali Agha


Leading questions, Courtroom discourse, Forensic linguistics, Legal speech analysis, Testimony and persuasion


There are studies that investigate how questioning styles reflect the seriousness of the accusation or compare the use of question types in different legal systems and languages. These studies also analyze the use of reported or quoted speech in lawyer's questions and the impact of cultural differences on courtroom interactions. Overall, these studies provide insights into the role of questions in courtroom activity, the power dynamics involved, and the influence of language, culture, and context on legal discourse.



How to Cite

Wafaa Mudhaffar Ali Agha. (2025). Leading Questions in Courtroom: a forensic Linguistics Study Omayma akram Abdulbaqi. Al-Bahith Journal, 43(1), 269–282. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/bjh/article/view/3228