The Sociolinguistic Constraints Affecting the Use of Certain Vocabularies and Ways of Speech
الكلمات المفتاحية:
Sociolinguistic, Constraints, variables. Language change, Linguistic variationالملخص
This study examines how individual variations contribute to the emergence and spread of new speech sounds, or new ways of pronouncing preexisting phonemes. The researcher examines whether these change models apply to other domains of language in the current study.
The aim of the study is to ascertain if the individual variations found can also result in alterations to the grammar of restrictions on a sociolinguistic variable at the community level. This is due to the fact that we are aware of how individual variations in language perception and production might lead to innovations that could be embraced by speech community members and result in change.
In order to explain the introduction and spread of new speech sounds, a model of change was first proposed. In this study, the model of change is extended to another component of language, namely its constraints on sociolinguistic variety. Sociolinguistic variables are not limited to phonetics/phonology; they can arise at all levels of grammar.
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الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2025 مجلة الباحث

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