Socio- Pragmatics Study of Arabic Slang among Male and Female Students at University of Karbala
الكلمات المفتاحية:
اللغة العربية الدارجة، طلاب الجامعةالملخص
Slang language draws the attention of the community due to it's idiosyncratic existence. Speakers of a single community use a variety of expressions to refer to different phenomenon. In the present time and as a result of social and economic factors, a new slang vocabulary has begun to appear among young people. Society in particular has accomplished mass transformation in it is adopting of slang vocabularies. Most sociolinguistic studies in spite of the fact they are not focusing on the role of gender in signaling different forms of speaking. These studies have shown that women unlike men are more careful in their choice of the vocabulary.
كيفية الاقتباس
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2025 مجلة الباحث

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يُسمح للقراء بمشاركة وتوزيع وتعديل هذا العمل، بشرط الإشارة إلى المؤلف(ين) الأصلي(ين) والمصدر بشكل مناسب. يجب توضيح أي تعديلات تُجرى على المحتوى. قد تخضع الاستخدامات التجارية وأذونات إضافية لسياسات المجلة.