The Effect of Soft Leadership Skills on Workplace Well-being

Descriptive analytical research for the opinions of a sample of workers at Al-Etihad Food Industries Ltd.


  • Rahman Taher Jaber Al-Salhi College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala
  • Saleh Mahdi Al-Hasnawi College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala


Soft Leadership Skills, Workplace Well-Being, Al-Etihad Food Industries Company Limited in Babylon Governorate


The current study aims to test the correlations and influence between the variables of soft leadership skills and workplace well-being for a sample of employees at Al-Ittihad Food Industries Limited. The soft skills of leadership were measured across six dimensions: (communication skills, teamwork skill, planning and organization skills, leadership skills, personal mastery skill, initiative skill), while workplace well-being was measured (positive influence, negative influence, achievement factor). The study sample was (159) individuals working in the company's various departments. The study also relied on a set of statistical methods represented by a normal distribution test, confirmatory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling based on programs (AMOS V.25, Microsoft Excel, SPSS V). 25) The study reached a set of results, the most prominent of which was the presence of a significant effect of the variable of soft leadership skills on well-being in the workplace at the level of the Al-Ittihad Food Industries Company Limited, the study sample. This indicates the possibility of investing in this relationship that will lead to increasing the level of well-being in the workplace. Thus, creating a stimulating work environment capable of controlling pressures and facing challenges. Based on these conclusions, the study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of fully moving toward investing in soft leadership skills to enhance them and benefit from them in achieving well-being, satisfaction, and commitment at work


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How to Cite

رحمن طاهر جابر الصالحي, & صالـح مهدي الحسناوي. (2024). The Effect of Soft Leadership Skills on Workplace Well-being: Descriptive analytical research for the opinions of a sample of workers at Al-Etihad Food Industries Ltd. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(80), 43–61. Retrieved from