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Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2002)Our journal is a mirror that reflects a glimpse of what sparkles the creative Iraqi mind, and it is a great honor for this magazine to continue to be published side by side with the giving of the Iraqi mujahideen.
We take this opportunity to express our thanks and great gratitude to all the bright minds who contributed to bringing this issue to light, especially the researchers and those who contributed to the evaluation and preparation process. May God bless everyone’s efforts to serve Iraq. -
Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2001)Since Allah honored this noble nation with the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (PBUH) and his family, it has been striving diligently and persistently to be - as Allah wanted it to be - the best nation brought forth for mankind. And on the day our ancestors drew the sword of jihad to liberate mankind from slavery to anyone other than Allah - the Almighty - they carried the lamps of knowledge and learning to dispel the darkness of ignorance and illiteracy, as the Noble Prophet (PBUH) made seeking knowledge an obligation upon every Muslim man and woman. Today, the nation is regaining its glory, former pride and leadership. The Deanship of the College of Administration and Economics, and in particular the Department of Business Administration, researchers and evaluators have made distinguished efforts in order to produce this issue. May Allah bless the efforts of everyone in order to serve Iraq and the nation.
Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2001)These topics explore a diverse range of issues related to public policy, financial markets, organizational improvement, globalization impacts, and international relations.
The first title examines contemporary methodological approaches used in the field of public policy analysis, likely evaluating the pros and cons of different research methods and frameworks. The second looks at the theoretical underpinnings of foreign exchange markets and exchange rate dynamics.
Two titles focus on organizational performance and improvement. One covers benchmarking as a continuous improvement technique organizations can apply by comparing practices against leading peers. Another explores the concept of opportunity cost related to retained earnings and tensions between theory and calculation methods.
Globalization features in several titles. One analyzes globalization's effects on public administration practices and challenges in the Arab world region. Another examines desired characteristics of international managers operating in a world of global organizations. A final topic looks at the role and importance of international river organizations in resolving conflicts over shared water resources between countries.
Additionally, one title explores factors influencing how clients select and hire lawyers, likely examining impacts of marketing mix elements like pricing, promotion, expertise and location.
This diverse set of titles illustrates research analyzing public, private and international policy issues through theoretical, practical and methodological lenses.