Lean production requirements and its impact on project success - application research in Central Bureau of Statistics projects


  • Asaad Kazem Nayef Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Sahar Faydallah Muhammad Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Lean production, project success


The research has Two change interaction to gether to build a clear structure to use it in the Iraqi society specially, these change which are related (Lean Production Requirements and Project Success) .
The main Problem is increasing waist processes in cost, Human resources and time needed for Projects accomplishmet .
The researchers select the projects of Centeral Organization of statistic as a study sample by determining (123) person to answer the quastion .
The main Conclusions represent :-
- The more important point is to be care on selecting and training effective leaders and experiment skills team-works for projects .
- The study sample hadn’t clear vision about the practical and behavioral sides for lean-production requirements .


أولاً : المصادر العربية

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ثانياً : المصادر الأجنبية

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How to Cite

اسعد كاظم نايف, & سحر فيض الله محمد. (2025). Lean production requirements and its impact on project success - application research in Central Bureau of Statistics projects. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 9(35), 76–107. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/ijas/article/view/3067