The effect of simultaneous engineering dimensions in enhancing competitive precedence - an exploratory study in the men’s clothing factory in Najaf Al-Ashraf


  • Mahmoud Fahd Abdul Ali Dulaimi
  • Hadi Hamad Hadi


Dimensions of concurrent engineering, competitive precedences


The objective of this research is determine the role of dimensions concurrent
engineering in promoting competitive priorities, and in order to achieve this ,was
adopting four dimensions concurrent engineering : (parallelism, standardization,
integration, optimization), was expresses competitive priorities dimensions (cost,
quality, flexibility, delivery / time),The research tried to answer several question,
including : is there a role of dimensions concurrent engineering in promoting
competitive priorities? The research was conducted in men clothing factory in
Holy Najaf, where the information was obtained through a questionnaire
prepared for this purpose and distributed to a sample of (60 ) included senior
and junior managers and bosses and their assistants, heads of departments and
divisions from the factory studied it was adoption of a number of statistical
methods the simple regression test (f) to determine the signification of the
regression equation, has also been used(R2
) to explain the amount of the impact
of the independent variables in the variable adopted.
The research found a number of conclusions, including:
 - Having a significant impact moral dimensions of concurrent engineering in
promoting priorities competitive.
 - The need to adoption methods of production modern and supporting from
through implement in manufacturing.


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How to Cite

محمود فهد عبد علي الدليمي, & هادي حمد هادي. (2025). The effect of simultaneous engineering dimensions in enhancing competitive precedence - an exploratory study in the men’s clothing factory in Najaf Al-Ashraf. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 10(39), 205–228. Retrieved from