Testing the level of availability of requirements for implementing quality circles and their impact on creativity - an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of workers in the Al-Waziriya and Iraqi-Korean centers affiliated with the Vocational Trai


  • Asfad Mortada Saeed
  • Nizar Hamid Shawqy


Quality rings, creativity


This research seeks to test the level of requirements availability applying
the quality circles in innovation . The researcher chose (Al- Wazirya), and (Iraqi
–Korea ) centers for vocational training following to the vocational training
directorate to explore the opinions of the two centers workers as a sample for
(100) workers ,(51) workers from Al- Waziriy center , and (49) workers from the
Iraqi –Korea center in each of the level of requirements availability to apply the
quality circles and innovation in both centers .
The practical side was built upon four assumptions as first , It tests the relation
between the two variables by using the correlation coefficient . Second , It tests
the effect of requirements availability of applying the quality circles in
innovation by using the line carve . Third and forth , It tests the differences
between the two researchers samples in the both variables by using ( Mann-
Whtiney )analysis . The conclusions have come to ensure approving all research
assumption .


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How to Cite

اصفاد مرتضى سعيد, & نزار حميد شوقي. (2025). Testing the level of availability of requirements for implementing quality circles and their impact on creativity - an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of workers in the Al-Waziriya and Iraqi-Korean centers affiliated with the Vocational Trai. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 10(41), 66–93. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/ijas/article/view/2961