Measuring and analyzing the performance of the quality of scientific research and its implications for the development of intellectual capital - a field study at the University of Karbala using the factor analysis method
Quality of scientific research, Intellectual CapitalAbstract
Saw the current era rapid developments at the level of manufacturing organizations or learning and at the level of the state\'s economic relations in the lost world full of competition governed by the new systems and rules too complex as well as information technology and communication revolution and its impact on manufacturing and educational institutions, which follows that increased competition among all the institutions, in particular Educational institutions . Because the scientific development of any society reflects the extent provided by usurps the responsibility for this development lies class basis upon educational institutions, that the main problem is pushing to take over those institutions responsible for reasoning and diagnose performance level of scientific research sample (University of Karbala), depending on the set of standards have been developed by the Association of Arab universities and stems search of the premise that there is a set of scientific factors, financial, social etc ... have an impact on the quality of scientific research and the study found a set of conclusions most important that there should be unity or facial responsible take on the management of scientific research and management plans Hanh also reached a series of recommendations including the need to allocate a special budget to support scientific research and publication
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