The role of management information systems in the organization's administrative decision-making process: an applied study in the Baghdad General Secretariat


  • Ali Taha Yas


Management information systems, administrative decision making


The paper deals with subject: The role of Management Information Systems in Decision-Making process of the organization. (Applied study on the Mayoralty of Baghdad).
Find research addressing the current problem in the (Mayoralty of Baghdad) on the recognition of the role of management information systems and its importance in management decision-making process and its impact on the level of public performance.
Find forms questionnaire was assisted to find out the role that can be played by information systems in decision-making, being involved variables in the model are descriptive variables and not quantity and therefore requires the adoption of this Form questionnaire to find out the above-mentioned role and diagnose the problem. I have been using statistical analysis to test hypotheses and data processing has been reached to the set of results highlighted.
1. Organization surveyed concerned the need for integration and interdependence of management information systems with the administration in order to expand the horizons of knowledge managers about taking future decisions. This is illustrated by the results of the analysis.
2. The study has shown that there is a correlation medium by (0.55) between the applied information system in the Mayoralty of Baghdad and the process of making administrative decisions.

Find the most important of several recommendations included:
1. The need to pay attention to information systems, systems and processed through the development of organizational structures and information systems and the establishment of specialized departments of information systems and work to find and clear plans for the work.
2. Urged senior management to make intensive and continuous efforts to support and strengthen efforts to enrich and enhance the role of information systems and information technology in the Mayoralty of Baghdad and created to achieve outstanding performance stimulating regulatory environment.
3. Study recommends to be followed information system outputs in a circle (Mayoralty of Baghdad) is a high-quality property so as to prevent take random decisions (third party based on accurate information) and that would expose the Organization entire risk of collapse.


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How to Cite

علي طه ياس. (2024). The role of management information systems in the organization’s administrative decision-making process: an applied study in the Baghdad General Secretariat. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 12(49), 281–250. Retrieved from