Role of Organizational Politics in Diminishing the Ethical Voice of Employees through the Mediating Role of Frustration
Organizational politicis, feelings of frustration, ethical voice of employeesAbstract
This research examines the understanding of the organizational politicization's impact on employees' ethical voice in the presence of feelings of frustration as a mediating variable. The aim is to assist the municipality of Al-Husseiniyah in enhancing employees' ethical voice and eliminating behaviors influencing it. The study started with a primary problem that included questions about the nature of the relationship between its variables, such as whether individuals have complete freedom to express their ethical voice. (160) questionnaires were distributed to employees in the researched department, with a retrieval rate of 100%, yielding (157) valid questionnaires for statistical analysis. Various statistical methods were utilized, including SPSS and Microsoft Excel 2016. Based on the research findings, there are significant correlations and effects between organizational politicization and employees' ethical voice. The researchers recommend the importance of eradicating organizational politicization in its various forms and increasing attention to employees' ethical voice due to its ability to sense organizational problems before they have significant impacts on the organization.
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