Maintaining Arab human resources and the risks of Western technical information superiority


  • Ahmed Abdel Razzaq Head of Business Administration Department - College of Administration and Economics - University of Anbar


Human resources, information superiority


Since the Arabs opened up to the West during the French campaign in Egypt in 1798 AD, Arab human resources have been exposed to various forms of oppression and displacement, due to what is known about the Arab human resource of love for his homeland and dedication to protecting it and providing security, safety and a comfortable life for the members of his society, with whom he is linked by deep meanings and values. The Arab person is known for his chivalry, manliness, love of altruism, sacrifice and self-denial in difficult situations that require that. The tolerant Islamic principles have bestowed upon him a flood of rules and regulations that have corrected his behavior and pruned it from factors of backwardness. The result was that the entire world submitted to him and he was able to build his civilization that has not been matched by any other civilization throughout the ages. This civilization has opened its doors to all who wanted to embrace its principles and drink from its source. The latest weapon used by colonial countries today to distance the Arab human resource from its lofty message towards its nation and marginalize its role in construction and progress is the information revolution and its various technologies. These countries have been able to monopolize information and media to export their plans aimed at unifying the economies of the world (globalization), including the Arab economy, and placing them under their management and control to serve their expansionist interests. Since national economies are the primary source in forming work outlets for their human resources and are the foundation that provides the material basis for the renaissance of their societies and peoples, therefore, and in accordance with the dimensions of globalization, control over the employment of Arab human resources will be subject to the decisions of Western countries, and in that.
A set of risks aim together to threaten the Arab reality and future at all levels. Accordingly, this research is an invitation to our Arab countries and their public organizations to play their required role towards maintaining, caring for and developing their human resources, which are the secret of their renaissance and progress, from the dangers resulting from the directed Western information superiority, and to work on building human resources management that rises to the level of the required challenge and competition. On the other hand, the research suggests a number of ways to confront this challenge, and sets out the broad outlines of a model of a human resources maintenance program that can be adopted by our Arab organizations, with the necessity of taking into consideration the capabilities and environmental conditions surrounding them when using this model.



How to Cite

احمد عبد الرزاق. (2024). Maintaining Arab human resources and the risks of Western technical information superiority. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 1(2), 114–142. Retrieved from