The reality of the phenomenon of administrative corruption in countries of the world using indicators of integrity and perceptions of corruption - an applied study


  • Fouad Hamoudi Al-Attar College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala


Administrative corruption, integrity, perceptions of corruption


Among the basic duties imposed on individuals working in state agencies: Maintaining certain limits of job ethics and values and distinguishing between good and bad behaviors they adopt in their work. Therefore, employees and departments must adhere to functional behavioral patterns that are compatible with job requirements. In contrast, the phenomenon of administrative corruption emerges, which has resonated in administrative literature and applied studies and research. Because of this phenomenon's negative effects on the values of working individuals and society in general and on the performance of the administrative apparatus in particular. There is no doubt that corruption, whatever its type, when combined with harming others and the public and private interests of Muslims, is a sin. Rather, it is one of the major sins, and its perpetrator deserves severe punishment, as God Almighty said: “And those who break God’s covenant after its confirmation and sever what God has commanded to be joined and spread corruption on earth - those are the curse and theirs is an evil abode” (Al-Ra’ad 25). Administrative corruption is a type of corruption on earth. ; Because it violates people's rights and is unfair to them. And consuming money unlawfully; and betrayal of trust; Honesty in work requires sincerity and loyalty to God, His Messenger, and the believers, in addition to the impact it has on morals and behavior. This is what God has forbidden in His Mighty Book, saying: “And do not spread corruption on earth after it has been set in order” (Al-A’raf 56).

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How to Cite

فؤاد حمودي العطار. (2024). The reality of the phenomenon of administrative corruption in countries of the world using indicators of integrity and perceptions of corruption - an applied study. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 5(20), 162–177. Retrieved from