Use of electronic commerce in companies and their relationship to increase profits in the field research in some financial services companies and public Jordanian


  • HUSSAIN OMRAN NAJI College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala


E-Commerce   Companies   Increase profits Search   Financial services companies   Utility companies of Jordan


Given the developments that have occurred in Tknlojba information and communication that have entered into Sti fields Vkdsar necessary to make business processes and services by means of communication and new technology such as by corporations and categorize Almistoi private and the public to avoid the expenses incurred by these companies use traditional methods of valuable marketing process that first and increase corporate profits through high-speed in a number of business transactions and services and the best use of time and attract new customers, leading pearls increase sales this second.  research has shown that the averages and standard deviations of the answers categorize the paragraphs of scale advantages and benefits of using e-commerce was in general with a positive direction either tests that have been conducted to prove my thesis research has shown that there is a relationship between the use of electronic commerce by businesses and increase their profits as the value of (v) the calculated (85.970) as for the second hypothesis has proved that there is a relationship between the use of electronic commerce by companies and cut costs as value (v) the calculated (78.536).  and finally has been recommended the need to urge companies to use electronic commerce and keep abreast of developments in this type of Altknluja. 



How to Cite

حسين عمران الرفاعي. (2024). Use of electronic commerce in companies and their relationship to increase profits in the field research in some financial services companies and public Jordanian. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 6(25), 128–173. Retrieved from