International river organizations, their importance: and their role in resolving conflicts


  • Arzouki Abbas Abd Technical Institute - Babylon


International rivers, conflict resolution


Conflict has existed ever since humans found on the face of the earth its architecture and worship of its Creator, the Almighty. Glory be to Him. The Holy Qur’an tells us about the first conflict in history between the two sons of Adam (peace be upon him), Abel and Cain, motivated by jealousy, envy, and conflicting desires and personal interests for both of them. Since that time, man has known conflict. Conflict arises due to a conflict or clash of interests between two or more parties over a relatively rare resource that one or more can seize and deprive the other parties of, in whole or in part (Lewis, 1958). The man continued to think about finding sufficient and successful ways to avoid conflicts because of their dangerous effects and the disasters, calamities and woes they cause to all parties. He needed means that would prevent or mitigate the intensity of this conflict, stop it at a certain stage, or limit the degree of its impact and extent, and so he resorted to arbitration or litigation at times and to alliances, agreements, treaties, etc., to achieve that goal at other times.



How to Cite

ارزوقي عباس عبد. (2001). International river organizations, their importance: and their role in resolving conflicts. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 1(1), 141–157. Retrieved from