Time management from the point of view of some academic leaders working in higher education institutions - an experimental study at the Universities of Babylon and Karbala

دراسة اختبارية في جامعتي بابل وكربلاء


  • Amal Ghaleb Rashed


Time management, academic leaders


The time managing has become a base to generate wealth in the modern economy, thus its importance increased and motivated the organizations to work for providing management concerned with which known as time managements.
The study discussed the impact of the time management in the creativity and competition which indicates a contemporary vision to manage time and its role in consolidating the continues creativity through understanding the administrative concepts leaders and the employees in the university institution.
This study was applied to a sample consists of (52) academic leader (deans, their assistants and departments heads in the university institution), it depends on the questionnaire as a basic tool to collect data and information relating to the study which have been handled and analyzed by using many of the statistical methods which are (arithmetic mean, rate of response, standard deviation and the coefficient of standard difference).


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How to Cite

آمال غالب راشد. (2024). Time management from the point of view of some academic leaders working in higher education institutions - an experimental study at the Universities of Babylon and Karbala: دراسة اختبارية في جامعتي بابل وكربلاء. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(59), 354–375. Retrieved from http://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq/index.php/ijas/article/view/2388