The role of technological capabilities in the relationship between the creative leadership and the mental image of the organization

Exploratory research of the opinions of a sample of the employees of Asia Tel


  • Safaa abd ali abdulameer


Technological capabilities, creative leadership, and the mental image of the organization


     This study seeks to determine the role played by technological capabilities in the relationship between the creative leadership and the mental image of the organization through the application in one of the private sector companies in Iraq and to achieve this was adopted the dimensions of creative leadership of (originality, flexibility, fluency, sensitivity to problems ) Based on (Suwaidan and Adlouni, 2004: 58) The dimensions of the technological capacity (R & D capabilities, production capacities, creativity and innovation capacities, relationship abilities) were adopted based on (Krajewski, 2013: 129). The dimensions of the mental image of the organization (perceived mental image, desired mental image, ) Based on (420,1999: Kreiner & Ashforth) Mental image The study was examined in private sector organizations, including Asia Cell Communications, specifically a field of research and as one of the leading telecommunications companies in Iraq. The study was applied to a sample (65) managers and employees divided by departments and functional levels in the company. The study used the questionnaire as a main tool for collecting the required information as well as personal interviews. The main and secondary hypotheses that reflect the role of technological abilities in the relationship between the creative leadership and the mental image of the organization were tested. The hypotheses were tested between the variables using the correlation factor (t) to determine the significance of the relationship between the variables and the F test to determine the significance of the regression equation. R2 was also used to explain the interpretation of the dependent variable of the dependent variable as well as its (B) statistic for the purpose of determining the independent variable effect ratio in the dependent variable. One of the most important conclusions was that the correlation analysis between the three search variables shows that the correlation paths all exceeded the threshold (0.30), which according to the classification adopted are strong correlations and this indicates that the respondent sample has a great belief that these variables have a logical correlation Among them, technological capabilities can be understood through the availability of creative leadership as well as the construction of a consciously perceived mental image through its association with creative leadership and technological capabilities. The research concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the need to work on enhancing the processes or characteristics of creative leadership within its field of work. As the company aims to expand in order to obtain a greater market share, it is imperative that it be concerned with the characteristics of creative leadership by attracting leaders Qualifications, experience, knowledge and creative mental abilities to work within the management of the company with the best possible performance through the search for these talents in training and rehabilitation institutions and graduates of academic universities.


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How to Cite

صفاء عبد علي عبد الامير. (2024). The role of technological capabilities in the relationship between the creative leadership and the mental image of the organization: Exploratory research of the opinions of a sample of the employees of Asia Tel. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(59), 207–242. Retrieved from