The interactive impact of quality standards in education to enhance the relationship and impact of the strategic impact of total quality management on the organizational culture of educational institutions

A survey study of the opinions of a sample of secondary school principals


  • Munaf Abdulkadhim Mohammed AlQattan


The study aims to reveal the interactive effect of quality standards in education in enhancing the relationship and the strategic impact of comprehensive quality management on the organizational culture of Iraqi educational institutions. The application of comprehensive quality management methods in educational institutions is critical. This is to advance and develop high levels of performance and quality and raise the efficiency of administrative and academic services. However, quality methods alone may not achieve the desired goal in the Iraqi educational institution. Adherence to educational quality standards and values may require an organizational culture that guarantees participation and commitment to the organization’s values directed toward the quality of the educational and pedagogical process. The researcher used the descriptive, analytical, and statistical approach, and chose a sample of teaching and administrative staff in some secondary schools in the Basra Education Directorate. More than 120 questionnaires were distributed and 81 questionnaires were returned. The questionnaire was adopted as the main tool for collecting data. The researcher also adopted some statistical methods that are compatible with the nature of the analysis. The study reached a set of purposeful conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which was the desire to use and apply total quality management concepts. The study came out with recommendations, including holding development courses for teaching staff on the importance of following total quality management in developing educational performance.



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How to Cite

مناف عبد الكاظم محمد القطان. (2024). The interactive impact of quality standards in education to enhance the relationship and impact of the strategic impact of total quality management on the organizational culture of educational institutions: A survey study of the opinions of a sample of secondary school principals. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(62), 351–381. Retrieved from