The new directions of the banking industry in the context of financial globalization and its role in enhancing the dimensions of the pioneering orientation of banking

Applied study in Rafidain Bank - Karbala Branch


  • Manar Hayder Ali Middle Euphrates Technical University - Technical Institute of Babylon
  • Aqeel Alwan Mohsen Al-Mustaqbal University College
  • Abdul Mahdi Raheem Hamza Al-Mustaqbal University College


Recent trends in the banking industry, mismanagement of financial globalization, pioneering banking orientation, dimensions of the pioneering banking orientation, Rafidain Bank.


The new directions of the banking industry in the context of financial globalization and its role in enhancing the dimensions of the pioneering orientation of banking / Applied study in Rafidain Bank - Karbala Branch

The study seeks to demonstrate the role of adopting the modern trends of the banking industry in the context of financial globalization in enhancing the dimensions of the pioneering banking orientation. The banking institutions are competing with each other to adopt the best trends in the banking industry in order to enhance the leadership of the bank. In general, the objective of the research focuses mainly on measuring the role of adopting modern trends in the banking industry in the context of global financial globalization, banking integration, banking governance, and banking technology in enhancing the dimensions of the banking leadership orientation.                                      .

In order to achieve this objective, the researcher has relied on descriptive and analytical methods for the purpose of analyzing the model and hypotheses of research and determining the logical relations between the variables of research. If the research examines the modern trends of the banking industry in the context of financial globalization, it is an independent variable that enhances the dimensions of the banking leadership orientation as a dependent variable. The questionnaire was one of the data collection tools. It included several parts, the first of which dealt with personal data rather than the sample of the research, while the second part dealt with the paragraphs of the independent variable and the sub-variables paragraphs. ). In this section, the researcher used a set of statistical methods in order to test the research hypotheses. These were (repetitions, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient) , Simple regression coefficient, and coefficient of selection                                                             ).

The study concluded with a number of recommendations, including:

-Working to develop the capabilities of the Rafidain Bank / Karbala branch of human and prepare them for technological and banking development by holding internal and external courses in order to make them aware of the importance of expanding e-banking.

- The need to provide security and confidence in the information infrastructure in Rafidain Bank / Karbala branch to encourage customers in the use of electronic banking and the expansion in the use of information networks for the success of electronic banking operations.

- Strengthening the supervision of banks to ensure the safety of their work, especially with regard to the existence of internal control and sound credit and risk management.         

- The study recommends the need to keep abreast of technological developments in the field of information technology and to ensure the use of modern computers, modern computers, and developed software because of its positive impact on the safety of the application of information systems and use and address the weakness in the technology associated with the provision of service in the Rafidain Bank / Karbala branch By spreading the technology of modern banking and increasing the limited specialties for the development of technology in the bank


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مخطط البحث الافتراضي



How to Cite

منار حيدر علي, عقيل علوان محسن, & عبد المهدي رحيم حمزة. (2024). The new directions of the banking industry in the context of financial globalization and its role in enhancing the dimensions of the pioneering orientation of banking : Applied study in Rafidain Bank - Karbala Branch. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 16(64), 232–262. Retrieved from