The role of e-government in reducing the phenomenon of administrative corruption :Pilot study on public administrations in Lebanon


  • Mohammad Farhat
  • Alissar Ali Tahan


E-Government, E- services, Administrative corruption


    Many countries, and especially Lebanon, suffer more or less from the problem of administrative corruption, which affects different aspects of life in the state’s social, economic and political corruption. Also, it helps to drain capital from state enterprises abroad The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between e-government and corruption in Lebanon. To achieve these objectives, a questionnaire was designed to collect the required data and the sample of the comprehensive inventory was selected, so that the sample of the study consisted of all the employees working to provide services electronically in the ministries that apply e-government, and 21 responses were retrieved from the individuals of the sample. The results of the study are:

  • There is no relationship between the use of equipment and administrative corruption.
  • There is no relationship between the use of software and networks and administrative corruption.

There is a relationship between the knowledge makers and administrative corruption


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How to Cite

محمد فرحات, & أليسار علي طحان. (2024). The role of e-government in reducing the phenomenon of administrative corruption :Pilot study on public administrations in Lebanon. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 16(65), 164–200. Retrieved from