The effect of constructive frameworks for a system of acquired regulatory immunity in achieving organizational integrity

Analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees of the Ministry of Interior, Karbala Governorate Police Directorate


  • salah mahdi
  • rafed fadel


constructive frameworks, regulatory immunity, organizational integrity


    The current study was concerned with determining the effect of the constructive frameworks of the acquired organizational immunity on achieving the organizational integrity of a sample of the employees of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior of Karbala Governorate. The study was conducted on all the employees of the Karbala Governorate- forensic evidence, which numbered (50) employees, and a questionnaire designed, the required data in order to measure the sub-dimensions of the acquired regulatory immune system with organizational integrity. A set of statistical methods were used to measure the variables. The relationship (mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, "Pearson") after retrieving the questionnaire form, usable for one questionnaire that was neglected due to lack of information, and study indicates the presence of direct correlation between components of regulatory immune system (immune cells, regulatory memory (Regulatory vaccine, benchmark) and organizational integrity. The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important is that the dimension of benchmarking  in the acquired organization immunity variable is the most powerful dimension which has the impact related to organizational integrity. Therefore, the study recommended the need to develop a set of mechanisms that enhance organizational integrity, and the most important of these mechanisms is the benchmarking.


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How to Cite

صلاح مهدي عباس اليساري, & رافد فاضل مراد. (2024). The effect of constructive frameworks for a system of acquired regulatory immunity in achieving organizational integrity: Analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees of the Ministry of Interior, Karbala Governorate Police Directorate. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(69), 289–311. Retrieved from