Product design and role in enhancing competitive advantage

Applied research of the views of a sample of workers in the ready-made factory / Iraq – Najaf


  • Abdul-Hussein Jasim Mohammed Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Amal Sabbar Mohammed Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


تصميم المنتج, الميزة التنافسية


The success of organizations and their progress today hinges on their ability to bring new ideas that have never been seen before in their knowledge, circulation, or becoming into goods and services, as this research came to verify its basic assumptions in the existence of a correlation and influence relationship between the independent variable of product design and its dimensions represented in (Performance, special features, reliability, conformity, durability, serviceability, outward appearance, aesthetics and perceived quality), and the adopted variable, the competitive advantage in its dimensions (cost, quality, flexibility and speed of delivery), based on a basic problem that the effect of product design and its dimensions on the competitive advantage at the field level in the ready-to-wear lab is not resolved, and in an effort to determine which dimensions of the product design most affect the competitive advantage, the data and information required to verify the validity of the hypotheses that tested a random sample It consisted of (205) individuals working in the Ready-to-Wear Factory / Najaf, whose answers were subjected to testing and analysis, and it was evident that there was a significant impact of product design on the competitive advantage at the level of the study sample.                                                                                                                    


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مخطط البحث الافتراضي



How to Cite

عبدالحسين جاسم محمد الاسدي, & امل صبار محمد. (2024). Product design and role in enhancing competitive advantage : Applied research of the views of a sample of workers in the ready-made factory / Iraq – Najaf. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(68), 105–133. Retrieved from