The impact of strategic Alignment in achieving Entrepreneur performance

An Analytical Research in a Sample of Factories of the General Company for Southern Cement


  • Alaa Farhan Al-Jubouri
  • Hussein Hurajah Al-Hasnawi
  • haider fadhal al-adiliy


Strategic alignment, entrepreneurial performance, Southern Cement State Company.


   This research aims to demonstrate the effect of strategic alignment on achieving entrepreneurial performance. . The research community included four factories belonging to the Southern General Cement Company in Najaf and Holy Karbala. The research sample amounted to (200) individuals of officials in the company's laboratories in its technical and administrative departments. The questionnaire was used as a main tool in collecting data and information needed for the research. For the purpose of data analysis and statistical treatment، the research relied on a set of statistical methods available in the two programs (SPSS V.24; Amos V.23). The research reached a set of conclusions، the most important of which is the existence of a correlation and impact of statistical significance between the dimensions of strategic alignment and entrepreneurial performance، and finally the research concluded with a set of recommendations، the most important of which is the necessity of investing the positive impact to eliminate strategic alignment in the leadership performance through the researched company's laboratories developing proactive plans Deepening the job awareness of the sample to take advantage of these practices to exclude strategic alignment in enhancing entrepreneurial performance .


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How to Cite

علاء فرحان الجبوري, حسين حريجة ألحسناوي, & حيدر فاضل العادلي. (2024). The impact of strategic Alignment in achieving Entrepreneur performance : An Analytical Research in a Sample of Factories of the General Company for Southern Cement . Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(69), 1–34. Retrieved from