The effect of administrative communications in enhancing strategic ambidexterity


  • Ahmed Khadum Braies


management communication, Ambidexterity The strategy


                                                      The aim of the current research is to test the    effect of  communication skill as one of the most important skills of paradox management in achieving strategic ambidexterity , by distributing a questionnaire that included (79) managers in mobile phone companies, To clarify the responses of their answers to the paragraphs of the questionnaire, and through what was presented in it, a research problem crystallized for the researchers that (Do the leaders of the surveyed organizations have a clear vision of the skill of administrative communication from the point of view of managing paradox , and what is its impact on achieving strategic ambidexterity? Where the researchers relied on the Communication Scale of (Derina Holtzhausen, 2002) and the Strategic ambidexterity Scale of (Benner, M.J., & Tushman, ML 2003). where the research was based on a hypothesis based on the existence of a correlation and impact relationship between administrative communication and strategic ambidexterity   . I use a number of descriptive and inferential statistical methods and tools including( Microsoft Excel, SPSS, Cronbach's Alpha, Pearson, v23amoss) for the purpose of testing the above two hypotheses; The research reached a number of conclusions, most notably that the managers' possession of the skill of administrative communication enhances the of their strategic organizations. ; With a high level of managerial communication between managers and subordinates that contribute to enhancing strategic ambidexterity, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of the organization

Author Biography

Ahmed Khadum Braies

استاذ دكتور


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How to Cite

أحمد كاظم بريس اليساري. (2024). The effect of administrative communications in enhancing strategic ambidexterity. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 18(72), 90–116. Retrieved from