The impact of smart maintenance in improving industrial performance

(An analytical study in the General Company for the Automotive Industry – Alexandria)


  • Yasser Mahmoud Fahd Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


smart maintenance, industrial performance, General Company for Automotive Industry / Alexandria.


The research aims mainly to determine the impact of smart maintenance in improving industrial performance at the level of the General Company for the Automotive Industry - Alexandria. And based on a major problem that was diagnosed with several questions. The extent to which the influencing relationships between variables are realized in the field. An expressive intellectual framework has been formed for the research. Smart maintenance was adopted as an independent variable. It consists of four dimensions (Data-driven decision-making - Human capital resource - Internal integration - External integration). Industrial performance was adopted as a dependent variable. Which consists of three dimensions (profitability - technical progress - production efficiency). And the sample was formed. Of the workers in the General Company for the Automotive Industry, their number is (72). workers. (engineers and technicians). To analyze the data, a set of statistical methods were used. Available in the statistical program (SPSS.V.25). The research reached several conclusions, including (the great importance of the impact of smart maintenance on many aspects related to production processes to keep pace with the great developments in industrial environments, to be reflected in raising the level of industrial performance). The search resulted in a set of recommendations. Among them (the General Company for Automotive Industry - Alexandria should develop a system that shows the most appropriate maintenance and repair methods and instructions while monitoring the condition of all targeted equipment and machines using smart methods and work to prevent unexpected breakdowns and unplanned disturbances while increasing the reliability of the system in order to prevent potential damage due to equipment failure).

Author Biography

Yasser Mahmoud Fahd, Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

مدرس مساعد 

التخصص العام / ادارة الاعمال


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How to Cite

ياسر محمود فهد. (2024). The impact of smart maintenance in improving industrial performance: (An analytical study in the General Company for the Automotive Industry – Alexandria). Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(77), 276–299. Retrieved from