Strategic planning and its impact on job satisfaction in health institutions: An analytical study of the opinions of some employees at Al-Wasiti Teaching Hospital, Baghdad.


  • Mohammed Yahya jihad Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Office of the Minister


Strategic planning, job Satisfaction , Health institutions


The research included the independent variable (strategic planning) and its dimensions (strategic direction, strategic analysis, strategic choice) and the dependent variable (job satisfaction) and its dimensions (satisfaction with work content and variety of tasks, satisfaction with salary and incentives, opportunities for development and promotion). The research problem was limited to changes What happened to the health environment of the community and the competition existing at the governmental level, the community was targeted randomly and included taking into account some of the opinions of hospital workers. The sample that was targeted reached (95) individuals and is considered a purposive sample. We relied on three basic aspects in the research: verifying the stability of the scale, verifying the statistical description, and testing hypotheses (correlation and influence). Statistical methods were adopted, including confirmatory factor analysis testing, reliability, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation, and structural equation modeling using statistical programs, including SPSS and Smart PLS.


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How to Cite

محمد يحيى جهاد. (2024). Strategic planning and its impact on job satisfaction in health institutions: An analytical study of the opinions of some employees at Al-Wasiti Teaching Hospital, Baghdad. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(80), 104–120. Retrieved from