The effect of organizational values on the socialization of employees

An applied study of a sample of Maisan governorate staff


  • Mahdi Hussein Jabur Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • AbdulHussein Jasim Mohammed Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


organizational values, Organizational socialization (training, understanding, coworker support, future expectations).


    Our current study aimed to know the main role of rituals  as an independent variable in its impact on organizational socialization, and to clarify the relationship and influence between the variables of the study in light of the previous contributions of each variable from a group of researchers and to test this relationship. In order to achieve this purpose, the researcher has designed a hypothetical scheme that shows the nature of the relationship between the study variables .

The practical side of the study was applied in the Maysan governorate , which represents the local authority in the governorate and to which many state institutions are linked.  44% of the sample members are employees who have not been appointed for one year, and the total number of valid forms for transfer was 209, after the researcher distribut 230 forms and 219 forms were retrieved, 5 forms were lost and 6 forms were not completely filled out. The overall response rate was 90.8%.

In order to test the main and sub-study model, the coefficient of correlation coefficient (pearson), coefficient of reliability, coefficient of correlation coefficient (pearson), coefficient of reliability, coefficient of correlation coefficient (pearson), the researcher relied on a set of ready-made programs for statistical analysis, namely (spss v program .23)) and (Amos v.23) and (Microsoft Excel 2010).

The study reached a set of conclusions, the most prominent of which was the existence of a positive statistically significant correlation and effect between organizational values and organizational socialization. Following the conclusions, the researcher presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which was the call of the administration in the Maysan governorate office to allow the dissemination of democratic culture and high flexibility in the administration and to listen to the employees’ opinions, aspirations and suggestions.

Author Biographies

Mahdi Hussein Jabur , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


AbdulHussein Jasim Mohammed, Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

استاذ دكتور في إدارة الاعمال


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How to Cite

مهدي حسين جبر, & عبدالحســين جاســـم محمد. (2024). The effect of organizational values on the socialization of employees : An applied study of a sample of Maisan governorate staff. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(76), 92–114. Retrieved from