The Moderating role of knowledge champions in the relationship between empowering leadership and readiness for change: A survey study of a sample of workers in the Al-Warith Educational Group


  • Salah Mahdi Abbas Al-Yasari College of Administration and Economics - University of Kerbala
  • Mohammed Nabeel Hadi Haboobi Technical Administrative College - Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University


Empowering leadership, knowledge champions, and readiness for change.


The study aimed to explore the moderating role of knowledge champions in the relationship between empowering leadership and readiness for change, by conducting an exploratory study in the Warith Educational Group. The study adopted a quantitative approach based on the questionnaire that was distributed to a number of male and female teachers, and the number of questionnaires retrieved and valid for Statistical analysis were 218 questionnaires. Using Partial Least Squares Modeling (PLS-SEM), it was found that there is a significant moderating effect for the Knowledge Champions variable on the relationship between empowering leadership and readiness for change. The study recommended the importance of adopting empowering leadership in order for this to reflect positively on employees’ readiness for change, in addition to paying attention to knowledge champions for their positive role they play in supporting the change process.


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How to Cite

صلاح مهدي عباس اليساري, & محمد نبيل هادي الحبوبي. (2024). The Moderating role of knowledge champions in the relationship between empowering leadership and readiness for change: A survey study of a sample of workers in the Al-Warith Educational Group. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(80), 1–16. Retrieved from