Variation trends of the members of the body was teaching about the reality of the organizational climate at the College of Management and Economics - University of Qadisiya


  • basim abbas karedy College of Administration and Economics - Al-Qadisiyah University


organizational climate


This research aims to trying Know the reality organizational climate in which represent the basic for successful any organization , The organizational climate measure when the research's view represented elements like (leadership, Work condition , organizational structure, rewards, system performance, performance evaluation and grouping work), and in this research which study the influence of teaching staff attitudes about this element according to (sex , studying qualification and scientific status) The research depend on (40) Questionnaires were distributed as a main device to collect data through (spss v.11) , the research arrived that was significant statistical according to variable of research community about the organization climate elements , research recommendation that is necessary to improving this organization climate for developing the education process , like create organization climate with specialization communication freedom create and available work condition , and try for rising the staffing member staff and to encourage in decision making and all there contribute to development of process education and research



How to Cite

باسم عباس كريدي الجاسمي. (2024). Variation trends of the members of the body was teaching about the reality of the organizational climate at the College of Management and Economics - University of Qadisiya. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 7(30), 167–179. Retrieved from